Corn Salad or Lamb Lettuce is a green and round leafy vegetable.
With a sweet and balanced flavor, it has a very low energy intake although rich in mineral salts such as iron and potassium.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
FlevoTrade packs onions in various branded bags, such as the Dutch Farmer. With sufficient quantities, we can also realize this for your label! Contact us directly for more information.
With years of experience in the sector and beautiful long-term collaborations with companies inside and outside the sector, we have proven that onions are by far our main product. And we are proud of that!
FRDP sélectionne des variétés de pommes de terre bio adaptées à la cuisson dans de l'huile végétale, afin de proposer des « frites » ou « patates frites » croustillantes et onctueuses. Dès la réception des pommes de terres biologiques à l'usine, les pommes de terre vont être lavées, coupées, sèchées, préfrites dans de l'huile végétale biologique, égoutées puis surgelées IQF.
Pomme de terre et huile de tournesol issus de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:115 kJ 486 Kcal
Fibres alimentaires:2,7 g
Protéines:2,1 g
Sel:0,05 g
Candelilla wax is a plant-based substance obtained from the leaves and stems of the Euphorbia cerifera plant, native to Mexico. This wax is known for its moisturizing, emollient, and protective properties, making it ideal for use in the cosmetics industry.
Candelilla wax is a common ingredient in the formulation of creams, lotions, lipsticks, balms, and other personal care products. Its smooth and creamy texture makes it easy to use and softens the skin, providing a pleasant feel to the touch.
The extraction of candelilla wax is a complex process that involves the collection and processing of the leaves and stems of the plant. Once collected, these are subjected to a crushing and heating treatment to extract the wax. The result is a yellowish, solid substance with a texture similar to beeswax.
WEIGHT: 25kg
"CALIGRAM 2 (coupelles « universelles ») : 6 à 12 coupelles/sec selon version, et nombre de sorties au choix,"
"CALIGRAM 2+ (« petites » coupelles) : 8 à 15 coupelles/sec selon version, et nombre de sorties au choix, soit un débit possible de 1 500 à 2 000 kg/heure et par ligne en abricot, suivant poids moyen du fruit,"
St. John's wort oil (Hypericum perforatum) - macerated in olive oil.
Macerate, from St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) in olive oil. Oil unrefined. Cosmetic grade, for external use only.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) macerate in olive oil is a product obtained by prolonged infusion or soaking of St. John's wort flowers and stem tips in olive oil. This macerate has many useful properties and is used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.
The main properties of St. John's wort macerate:
Anti-inflammatory properties: St. John's wort is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. St. John's wort macerate in olive oil can be used to relieve skin inflammations, including sunburns, bruises, and scrapes.
Skin benefits: St. John's wort macerate can help speed the healing of wounds, scrapes and burns due to its ability to stimulate skin regeneration.
Les huiles essentielles de la "Jambes agiles" sont choisies pour leurs vertus tonifiantes et drainantes afin de lutter contre la rétention d'eau et les sensations de lourdeur. Une huile de massage fraîche et fruitée pour se sentir bien dans ses jambes.
With the help of the belts rotating on two rollers, it takes the seeds from inside the warehouse and leaves them inside the outer casings on the line opened by the ax. The axes that open the line are connected to the unit. The units have a parallelogram system. (For SC1 model) It works according to the low-height situation of the field.
There is a gear option to adjust the seed spacing on the row. (It can be adjusted as 4-6cm, 6-8cm, 8-10cm.) The seed tank can be tilted forward and backward with the help of the piston. The benefit of this system is that while planting small seeds, the tank is tilted back to prevent too much seeding. In large seeds, the seed is prevented from falling over the scoop (spoon) by tilting it forward.
Seeds Planted: Minced garlic, onion shallots, tulip bulbs
Descubre los Beneficios de la Manteca de Karité Pura al 100%
La manteca de karité, un tesoro natural extraído de las nueces del árbol de karité (Vitellaria paradoxa), ha sido valorada durante siglos por sus propiedades hidratantes y curativas. Este producto, cuando es puro al 100%, ofrece una variedad de beneficios para la piel, el cabello y la salud general
Hidratación Profunda y Duradera
La manteca de karité pura es altamente apreciada por su capacidad para proporcionar una hidratación intensa y duradera. Rica en ácidos grasos esenciales como el ácido oleico y el ácido linoleico, la manteca de karité penetra profundamente en la piel, ayudando a restaurar su barrera de humedad natural. Esto es especialmente beneficioso para personas con piel seca, eczema o psoriasis.
SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
Optigrun Sedum Cuttings contain various sedum species for use on extensive green roofs.
Material:Shoot cuttings (sprouts) of various sedum types
Required quantity:50 - 80 g/m²
This new generation gel-cream is a veritable feast for the senses, sporting exceptional comfort and superior hydration. Vegetal Sorbet Cream lends your skin a unique “blur effect”, combining the softness of a cream with the light, pleasant feel of a gel. This cream can be applied in small, targetspecific layers with maximum accuracy. Wrinkles are swept away in an instant, and your skin attains a soft, mat powder finish.
A strongly hydrating formula that helps your skin regain its smooth and
youthful appearance.
Primary innovations:
The sorbet texture: an incomparable experience. A simple touch followed by instant gratification.
The “Blur Effect”: for a perfect complexion with Photoshop smoothness. Lisine’s Vegetal Sorbet Cream blurs out imperfections and spots, and leaves your skin looking fresh and natural.
Ciltte Nem Dengesini Destekleyen ve Anti-inflamatuar Etki Sağlayan Doğal Özüt - CforB Cosmetics'in endüstriyel kenevir tohumu özütü, cildin nem dengesini destekler ve sağlıklı bir cilt bariyeri oluşumuna katkıda bulunur. Omega 3 ve Omega 6 yağ asitleri içeren bu özüt, cilt sağlığı için hayati öneme sahip A, B, C, E vitaminleri ile zenginleştirilmiştir. Anti-inflamatuar özelliği sayesinde ciltteki iltihaplanmayı azaltmaya yardımcı olur ve hassas ciltlerde görülen irritasyonlarla mücadele eder. Ayrıca, cildi nemlendirir, cilt kuruluğunu önler ve ciltteki yağ üretimini dengeler. Her bir kullanımda, cilt endüstriyel kenevir tohumu özütünün sağladığı besleyici etkilerle daha sağlıklı ve canlı bir görünüme kavuşur.
Endüstriyel kenevir tohumu özütü, aynı zamanda cildin doğal yenilenme sürecini hızlandıran ve cilt hücrelerinin oksidatif stresten korunmasına yardımcı olan güçlü bir antioksidan kaynağıdır. Bu bileşen, ciltteki serbest radikallerle savaşarak erken yaşlanma belirtilerini azaltmaya ve cilt dokusunu güçlendirmeye yardımcı olur.
Types of fruit packaging
There are several types of fruit packaging available on the market, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. Below are some of the most commonly used types of fruit packaging:
- Food pouches for fruit: A relatively inexpensive type of packaging, suitable for crops that are not so susceptible to physical damage.
- Modified atmosphere package: Special packaging created by removing the air from the package and replacing it with a single gas or a mixture of gases. The carefully managed gas mixture within the package maintains an optimum respiration rate of the crop and prolongs the shelf life and storage quality of the crop.
- Vacuum package : A type of package in which the oxygen is completely removed and the product is sealed under airtight conditions.
Notre huile végétale de noisette bio est tracée et documentée.
Certifications : BIOLOGIQUE : Issu de l’agriculture biologique, certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01
Label Landema : Issu de nos filières
Pays de fabrication : FRANCE
Pays de récolte : TÜRKIYE
Partie de la plante : Amande
Composition : 100% Pure et naturelle.
Notes olfactives : noisette, parfumé
Contrôlé et conditionné dans nos ateliers en France
Le noisetier un arbuste dont l’aire de répartition couvre la majeure partie de l'Europe, l'Asie mineure et Caucase. C’est un arbuste des bois,des haies et des jardins, qui peut également être cultivé pour la production de noisettes.
C'est auprès d'un partenaire fabricant français que nous nous fournissons en huile végétale afin de vous proposer cette huile végétale de noisette.
Famille de produit:NOISETTE
Type d'extrait:Huile végétale
Pays de fabrication:FRANCE
Pays de récolte:TURQUIE
Partie de la plante:Amande
Catégorie d'usage pour les particuliers:Ingrédient
Nom Botanique:Corylus avellana L.
Composition:100% Pure et naturelle.
Il termine "Cocus Nocifera" si riferisce al cocco, e l'olio di cocco è un olio vegetale estratto dalla polpa o dal seme del cocco. È noto per le sue molteplici proprietà e usi. È ricco di acidi grassi saturi, in particolare l'acido laurico, che conferisce proprietà antimicrobiche e antifungine. È anche utilizzato per le sue proprietà idratanti e nutrienti. L'olio di cocco può contribuire a migliorare la salute della pelle e dei capelli, supportare la salute del cuore e fornire energia rapida grazie al suo contenuto di trigliceridi a catena media (MCT).
To prepare a side dish: pour at least 1 liter of water into a pot and bring to a boil, put a bag with a mixture of cereals with vegetables, mushrooms and greens into it, add salt and cook on low heat until ready for 20-25 minutes.
Pull out the bag, lifting it by the loop with a fork. Let the water drain. Open the bag by cutting it with scissors. Put the contents of the bag on a plate, mix. If desired, add vegetable oil or butter.
”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Notre huile de palme brute est parfaitement adaptée à l'industrie agroalimentaire et cosmétique. Que vous cherchiez de l'huile de palme en gros, conditionnée, ou en vrac, nous pouvons répondre à vos besoins avec des solutions sur mesure. Welly Food Distribution se spécialise dans l'huile de palme pour l'alimentation et les cosmétiques, fournissant des produits de haute qualité.
Stella offre depuis 2020 un service dédié au traitement des corps gras de toute origine, en se basant sur une maitrise en purification depuis 30 ans
Ici l'unité pilote de laboratoire permet de développer des projet et optimiser les paramètres pour le transfert vers l'échelle industrielle
purification haute performance des huiles et graisses végétales et animales.
Capacité minimum: 1kg
Capacité maximum: 50kg
The selection of raw materials is coordinated with the client, depending on the objective and function of the product to be obtained.
In order to create your exclusive brand, we have a complete range of biological assets:
- Oils
- Vegetable Extracts
- Essential oils
- Butters
Sacha Inchi oil in 250 ml bottle from Shanantina is available for distribution to the European and international market.
Beez is a distributor of this organic vegetable oil.
This vegetable oil is a food product made from Sacha Inchi seeds, which are dehulled and cold pressed (first cold pressing).
Sacha Inchi oil is rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9, as well as vitamins A and E.
Consumers concerned:
This organic oil is intended for direct human consumption, for the general public children, youth and adults.
Recommended use:
Direct cold consumption for salads or sauces.
General conditions:
Store the product in a cool, dry place, at a temperature below 25° C and out of direct sunlight.
Shelf life: 18 months under optimal storage conditions in a closed container.
Shipping :
Primary packaging: Glass bottles (250 ml)
Secondary packaging: Corrugated box x 24 bottles of 250 ml
Alkalmazhatóság: Szellőzést igénylő burgonya, hagyma, gyümölcsök csomagolásához.
Termelés: Fenntartható nyersanyagokból 100%-ban automatizáltan gyártott.
Személyre szabás: a legmagasabb minőségi szint, akár 10 színben és/vagy polikrómban, beleértve a különlegeseket: arany, fémezüst, ökológiai vízbázisú tintával. A nyomtatási felbontás könnyen elérheti a 300 dpi-t.
Opciók: egyedi formájú terméknéző ablak, lezárható biológiailag lebomló PLA fóliával, hogy lehetővé tegye a szabályozott légkört igénylő termékek, pl. kekszek csomagolását. A könnyű szállítás érdekében fogantyúval is rendelkezhetnek.
Anyag: speciális vízálló papír szellőzőnyílásokkal. Fehér vagy természetes erőspapír, különböző vastagságú (80-120 GSM), FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001 tanúsítvánnyal.
A leggyakoribb méretek: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 és 260 x 160 x 550 mm.
Termelési kapacitás: évente több mint 75 millió darab.
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